In a Boeing 737-NG FBS in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – June 2016, coincidentally right after my First Type Rating on the ATR 72-500
In retrospect, looking back from here, life has been a roller coaster ride so far (a good one), both professionally and personally. I’ve loved every bit of it and wouldn’t have it any other way.
For a living, I am an airline pilot, ground instructor for an FTO and I run a print solutions and marketing firm. I studied to be a commercial pilot and followed that up with a traditional MBA. I’ve loved my travels so far and the work I do has me meet new people every now and then which keeps me, in the words of my ex-employer, friend and now a published writer, ‘Hungry and Foolish.’
I feel most in sync with life when I’m in the cockpit of a good old single engine Cessna 172! If only I had the time to clock in as many single engine hours as I’d want to.